Greetings traveller, since you are here I believe a little introduction is obliged.
My name is Sara and I'm italian, I'm a little of an artist in my free time (or whenever the evil artist's block doesn't hunts me down) and I particularly enjoy sculpture and illustration. Unfortunately I abandoned Art school at 17 to work in Copenhagen, I later moved to Norway, now I am back home doing a 3 years school to get a degree and, hopefully, a good job.
In my free time I love to be with my boyfriend but I also enjoy reading comics and books, play Vanillaware and Squaresoft videogames, blog about anything interesting (I'm a really curious person and I share my little art discoveries), listen to folk metal and rock, getting informed about the environment and support organizations like Greenpeace, WWF and
I also enjoy Steampunk and Victorian culture.
I like to use my brain and think about things, I don't believe in the crowd and as Mark Twain once said :"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect."